
We often jokingly call this drink ''advocaat of the devil'', because once you start nipping at this sweet nectar, you cannot resist the temptation to have more. Enjoy as a thick, seasonal tipple, pour over vanilla ice cream or use as a filling in desserts, pastries and cakes. Proost!
A note about consistency: The Dutch prefer their advocaat thicker than you may be used to. So thick, in fact, that you can - in fact, must - eat it with a spoon. If you prefer a thinner consistency, add a bit of cream.
Servings: 6
- 8 egg yolks
- 200 g caster sugar
- Seeds from 1 vanilla pod
- 350 ml brandy
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Using an electric mixer, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar with the vanilla seeds for about 3 minutes until very pale and thick.
Slowly add the brandy while whisking until completely combined .
In a double boiler or using a metal bowl over simmering water, heat the egg mix, whisking until thickened so it coats the back of a spoon. This can be done in a pan over a low heat, but it is very important not to overheat or the mix will split (or worse, the alcohol will be lost).
Stir in the vanilla essence and allow to cool. Store in a sealed container in the fridge.
Recipe Notes
The mix is now ready to be used. Try it as a:
Snowball (above) Mix 50ml advocaat with the juice of half a lime and ice. Top with 100ml lemonade and top with a glace cherry.
Bombardino Equal measures of advocaat and rum (or brandy), warmed and topped with whipped cream.
Calimero Equal measures of advocaat, rum (or brandy) and espresso, warmed and topped with whipped cream.
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