Lonicera japonica

loniceraPreferred common name

Creeping Japanese honeysuckle



Lonicera can be deciduous and evergreen shrubs, or climbers with twining stems. The tubular or two-lipped flowers, often very fragrant, are followed by red or black berries

L. japonica var. repens is a vigorous evergreen climber with purplish stems and leaves, and clusters of strongly fragrant white flowers tinged with purple on the outside


  • Lonicera flexuosa
  • Lonicera japonica ‘Repens’

How to grow


  • Full sun
  • Part shade


  • South-facing, West-facing, East-facing or North-facing
  • Sheltered or Exposed


Vigorous honeysuckle best in partial shade but tolerates full sun, thrives in any moist but well-drained soil


  • Moist but well-drained
  • Acid, Alkaline or Neutral
  • Chalk, Clay, Sand or Loam


Propagate by layering,softwood cuttings or semi-hardwood cuttings

Suggested planting locations and garden types

Coastal or Wall-side Borders


Planting information

Planted June 2009 – sapling from Morrision’s UK – position North facing wall – poor soil

Growth and cover excellent



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