Jasminum officinale

jasminePreferred common name

Common jasmine



Jasminum are evergreen or deciduous shrubs, many climbing by twining stems bearing usually pinnate leaves, and star-shaped white, pink or yellow flowers, which are sometimes very fragrant. Fruit a black berry

J. officinale is a large deciduous climbing shrub, leaves pinnate, with 7-9 ovate leaflets. Scented white flowers 2cm in width open in clusters of 3 to 5

Other common names

  • Common white jasmine
  • Jessamine
  • Poet’s jasmine
  • Poet’s jessamine
  • Summer jasmine
  • True jasmine

How to grow


  • Full sun
  • Part shade


  • South-facing or West-facing
  • Sheltered


To bring out the sweet fragrance of the flowers, the ideal planting position should be warm, sunny and sheltered but it will cope with partial shade and colder positions provided the soil is well-drained


  • Well-drained or Moist but well-drained
  • Acid, Alkaline or Neutral
  • Chalk, Clay, Sand or Loam


Propagate by layering,hardwood cuttings or semi-hardwood cuttings

Suggested planting locations and garden types

Wall-side Borders, Ground Cover, Low Maintenance or Coastal


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