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Mega medal haul for college

December 31, 2013 shouball 0

Brilliant ideas from the students of the International College of Automotive (ICAM) has resulted in the institution reaping many awards at an international competition in […]

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Teaching kids good values

December 31, 2013 shouball 0

The writer believes that parents are the best teachers and they should be instilling in their children the right values. Powered by WPeMatico

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What the teachers say

December 31, 2013 shouball 0

The teachers who accompanied the winning teams to Hong Kong Disneyland share their views on the contest and trip. Powered by WPeMatico

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Farewell to state schools

December 31, 2013 shouball 0

Small private schools are beginning to replace government-run schools that are being shut down because of an ageing population and a small enrolment. Powered by […]