Stuffed Peppers with a Moroccan and Iranian Vegetarian Rice Fusion
A wonderful mix of Moroccan spiced vegetable rice stuffed peppers, cooked in the tradition of Iran.
- Bell peppers any size any colour, enough to fill a dutch oven
- 150 g rice long-grain
- 130 g yellow split peas
- 130 g lentils normal brown ones
- 60 g of toasted walnuts
- oil
- 1 large onion diced
- 4 large cloves garlic
- 3-4 chillies
- 1 small carrot
- 1 small aubergine
- 50 g fresh/frozen garden peas
- 50 g fresh/frozen sweet corn
- 4 tablespoons tomato paste
- 1 bottle of tomato juice
- 200 ml vegetable stock
- 2-3 tsp ras al hanout
- Salt
- Pepper
Soak the lentils, peas and rice in water (minimum 30 minutes, best overnight).
Simmer the rice and lentils/peas for 30 minutes in 200 ml of water and ⅓ tsp salt then drain.
It is probably better to add the rice after 10 minutes if you are using normal long grain rice. Keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t stick to the pot.
While the rice and pulses are cooking, wash and dry the bell peppers. Cut the tops off, scoop out the insides and set aside.
In a non-stick frying pan, saute your onion in 2 tablespoons of oil for about 3 minutes. Add the chopped vegetables in and cook until brown, then add in the ras al hanout and 2 tablespoons tomato paste and mix until combined.
Add the lentil and rice mixture to your meat mixture and combine. Toss in your chopped herbs and 1 teaspoon each of salt and pepper. At this point you should have a really beautiful potpourri that will become your dolmeh filling.
Arrange the bell peppers in a large, wide pot (you will probably have to jam them in, but no worries) and salt the inside of them. Fill up the bell peppers with your beautiful filling (again, don’t be shy to jam it in) and replace their lids. Good luck trying to match up the lids – remember that imperfection is still delicious.
Mix the broth and tomato juice and pour around the dolmeh.
Cover the pot and simmer for 45-60 minutes. The bell peppers should be very fragrant and semi-soft.
Make the sauce for the dolmeh by combining 2 tablespoon of tomato paste, 2 tablespoons oil, lime juice, sugar, cinnamon, 1 tablespoon salt and saffron water and bringing to a boil.
Lift the lid, inhale then pour your sauce over the dolmeh.
Let simmer for another 45-60 minutes until the dolmeh are nearly falling apart (and they probably will, when you try to scoop them out). Serve, pouring some of the juice onto each plate and enjoy!