
November 18, 2017 shouball 0

Introduction Spinach can be grown to produce a crop all year round, making it a useful vegetable to grow when other greens might be in […]


November 18, 2017 shouball 0

Introduction Rocket is an easy-to-grow crop which adds a lovely peppery flavour to salads. The younger leaves are milder, more tender and palatable. Older leaves […]


November 13, 2017 shouball 0

Introduction Choose the right varieties and you can have lettuce almost all year round. There are so many types of lettuce to choose from – […]

Florence fennel

November 12, 2017 shouball 0

Introduction Florence fennel, a wonderfully ornamental vegetable, is grown for its swollen leaf bases or ‘bulbs’ and edible leaves. When using in salads, the flavour […]


November 11, 2017 shouball 0

Introduction Beetroot are easy to grow and ideal for anyone new to vegetable gardening. And beetroot is for more than pickling! Try roast beetroot – […]